
Rhetorical Analysis #3

Garnet Ray
English 103.14



            Is capital punishment ethically acceptable?  Many view it as the right thing to do for certain crimes.  Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment for a wide variety of offences.  The website www.capitalpunishmentuk.org covers the different views and ways that capital punishment is enforced. 

            The website covers a wide variety of statistics on years, homicides, crimes, and other things that have been researched.  The site also covers the different views of the topic.  The arguments for the death penalty including incapacitation of the criminal, cost, retribution, and deterrence of future violators from committing such crimes.  The arguments against the death penalty which includes the fact that some innocent people will be executed, the fairness of the appeals for the criminals to prove their innocents, the fact that there is no way that is humane of putting someone to death,  also the decision to put to death some criminals for less awful crimes.

            All of these items are covered in great detail on the website ethos.  The sites has several sections that cover details and stats from other countries and states and are able to be compared to each other to see the different styles and ethics the countries have when it comes to dealing with capital punishment.  From 1977 to 2007 Texas accounted for 37% of all the executions in the United States which was 406 of 1099 criminals that were put to death.

The topic itself and the fact that is covers both sides of the topic give the site pathos.  The entire population of the world is passionate about the subject whether for or against it individuals usually feel very strong one way or another.

The website is very easy to read and well organized which adds to the logos of the site.  How the site is setup to cover each part of the topic and then gives specific stats and information on that subject make it very easy to read. The layout of the site fits the subject matter well. It is a simple gray background with a simple header in red and black which fits the topic. Rather than have bright colors and hard to follow links that would take away from the logos.

The historical/social context of this website are very evident with the social effect that it has on the different sides of the debate of pro vs. con and the historical side with all the stats, data, and information on the subject. The geographical is simple it covers every country in the world and everyone is effected by it in some way or another.

When discussing execution by shooting and the firing squad there is a link provided that shows a criminal being executed by firing squad, the prisoner is tied to a board on a hill with a bag covering their head.  Down in front of the prisoner is a line of officers leaned over a board aiming rifles at the prisoner.  This gives the audience a very real view of what this would be like.




Word count: 514


Arguments for and against Capital Punishment in the UK. Web. March & April 2010. <http://www.capitalpunishmentuk.org/thoughts.html#conclusion>.