
Auto Bio 

Garnet Ray
English 103.14



            Our wedding night was rather unusual to say the least. Because both of us wanted a certain date it just had to be this way or we wouldn’t get the day we wanted.

            It was all made possible by my old boss who happens to be an ordained minister. His flexible schedule allowed us to get married on such a short notice. We made up our minds about the date and went to him on Friday afternoon in his office and asked him if he would marry us early in the morning so we could go to my nephews’ semi state baseball game in Plymouth Indiana. 

            We met at Starbucks the night before to fill out the paper work and to get a plan of action together.  We would meet at their house around midnight and perform the ceremony. This way we get the date we wanted and get to see, now, our nephews’ baseball game.

            Once we arrived at my bosses (Gary) house we talked for a few minutes and then he suggested we watch an episode of Big Bang Theory which is now one of our favorite shows. After the show we began the ceremony. Gary was sitting on the chair in the corner and we were on the couch listening very closely. All of the sudden both of us started laughing and Gary looked up and his Boxer (Lucy) was licking my face. So I guess you could say my first married kiss was from Lucy and not my wife Laura.

            After getting about four hours of sleep, we got up and went to our nephews’ ball game. At the end of the day after all the baseball was over we told my family about the wedding. Then it was three hours of driving back to Yorktown, just a few hours of sleep and a twelve hour shift on Sunday at the hospital.



Word count: 322