
Rhetorical Analysis #2

Garnet Ray
English 103:14




            As a golf coach I am always looking for ways to improve the conditioning of the individuals on my team.  That’s when I found one of the best sets of exercises for golf that I have ever seen on the website www.menshealth.com. 

            This workout breaks down into 3 categories. Power, mechanics, and flexibility all evenly broke down into seven exercises. Written by Katherine Roberts, certified golf performance trainer, this workout is a great source for any coach or golfer wanting to improve their teams or own golfing ability.

            This video, picture set, and document on this set of exercises was very well developed and displayed for the golfers to use which supports the logos. I feel the ethos is very evident with the writer’s qualifications of a certified golf performance trainer. As far as pathos it appeals to all the golfers that want to improve their game and their health.

            The first section is focused on power, giving seven different exercises on how to develop strength in your golf swing.  The first is called side split squat. It is a movement from side to side holding your arms straight out in front of you.  This develops your glutes.  Also developing the glutes is the golf squat, a movement of squatting with a ten pound weight in hand and then standing with the weight above your head to one side then the other.  One of the other drills in this series is the 30-second speed drill.  This is holding one arm out in front of you and supporting with the other arm and making a fist and opening your hand as fast as you can for thirty seconds.  This is great for club head speed and power through the hitting area by being able to hold the angle in the down swing. The last exercise is the core crunch with a ball.  The core crunch develops the abs which is very important in stabilizing and balancing the body. 

The second section is focused on the mechanics. First is the dynamic twist which is great for internal hip mobility.  This is done by lying on your back, bending one leg and taking the opposite hand and pulling it across the other leg and then rotating the other arm at a 90 degree angle.  Another one is the front and side leg swing which also increases the hip mobility.  Another exercise in this section is called the golf twist. This builds the trunk of the body and improves the range of motion.  The next one in the series I had never used before seeing this.  It is called the rear delta exercise.  This one you lay on a Swiss-ball and extend your arms out in front and out to the side.  This helps me stabilize the swing at the top.  The next to last in this section is called the twisting table.  Starting on all fours one arm is lifted and extended then roll it under the other arm until that shoulder is touching the ground.  This is great for spine extension and rotation.  The last one, which I don’t use very often because the level of difficulty is too high, is called Swiss-ball Russian twist.  These is done by laying your shoulders on the Swiss-ball and planting both feet on the ground, then extend both arms upward and roll over each shoulder.

            The last and I believe the most important is the flexibility portion.  The first exercise is called the window washer which makes sense after watching it being done.  Lie on your back with your arms straight out shoulder high, and then knees up and feet flat on the ground and roll the hips over to the left and then the right.  Next is the hip / trunk /lat extension, on one knee and one foot support one side with a club and stretch the other arm upward.  This will help with all of the range of motion.  The following few stretching exercises all help with hip and trunk rotation which is crucial to power and stability in the golf swing.

            This article is very well written and easy to understand.  Coming from a certified source it is easy to believe all the information in the article.  The videos, images, and written information in the article are very balanced and compliment one another very well.




Word count: 742




Roberts, Katherine. "Golf Fitness." Http://www.menshealth.com. Mens Health. Web. <http://www.menshealth.com/golf/>.